Posted April 4th 2013
Sometimes It Snows In April..
Welcome to April, a month 4 days in that has already given us rain, sun, wind, snow and hail. Funny old April, eh? Fear not, we have some cracking shows lined up for you.
So last night we all gave a very warm welcome to Brooklyn girls TEEN at The Hope with support from MV favourites, the lovely Us Baby Bear Bones. Thanks to everyone who beared the blisteringly cold journey to see this show! Tweet us at @MeltingVinyl and tell us your highlights! Big love to This Is Fake DIY for featuring the show as their recommended gig!
Next Saturday storming into The Haunt is of course Pere Ubu with support from Variety Lights! To get you in the Ubu-mood for next week, pick up a couple of free downloads from them here thanks to ATP! Tickets for this are still available via Ticketweb, grab yours now!
And finally it’s arrived! Edwyn Collins‘ new album Understated has been released! Edwyn has given us a sneak preview of the album to whet our appetites which you can watch here. He ends his UK tour with a show at the beautiful and majestic St George’s Church on the 25th. Tickets are selling fast so get yours while you still can and don’t miss out!
King Creosote is our other show for April at The Basement and it is now completely sold out. Whoever managed to get a ticket we will see you there and looking forward to it! As it’s the first week of the new month it’s always quite exciting as all the lovely local Brighton publications come out, including our favourites Source, XYZ, BN1, Inside and many more. More which include Viva Brighton who got lucky enough to interview King Creosote ahead of his Brighton show! Copies of Viva Brighton are scattered around the city in various pubs and cafes, or you can jump straight to the interview to read, here!